In the name of


people, we’re

taking the government to court over the Rosebank oil field.

Last September, the previous UK government approved the development of the controversial Rosebank oil field. We believe that this decision was not just a disaster for the climate, and morally and economically wrong, but unlawful.

Claims that drilling Rosebank is compatible with a safe climate don’t add up - and we will prove it in court.

Your voice can help urge the government to make the right choice and reject Rosebank for good, if or when they have the opportunity to reconsider this decision. We can send a powerful message to the oil and gas industry that their days of unchecked exploitation are numbered. 

Your support in no way implicates you legally or financially in any of these proceedings.  We will keep you informed about court case developments via email, so please ensure the email you put here is the best way to contact you. (Your name will not appear on the website, just that of your organisation).  By sending this form, including your logo, you confirm that you have the authority of your organisation to give your organisational support for this case, and give permission for your name and logo to appear on this website.

Find out more


Why should organisations sign up?

Having the support of a wide variety of organisations is a clear signal that the social licence of the oil and gas industry to continue to exploit the North Sea, and to pollute our atmosphere, is fast running out. While the case is being brought by Uplift and Greenpeace, it is important that we show that this isn’t a case being brought by just one or two organisations, but rather is a case that is supported by thousands of individuals and organisations representing medics, teachers, students, parents, faith leaders, scientists and more.

What does being a supporter of the case mean?

Your support for the case is hugely important as it helps to show the public support for a just transition away from fossil fuels. Your support in no way implicates you legally or financially in any of these proceedings, and you’re not signing up for taking part in anything. Having the name of your organisation on our website as a supporter of this case is help enough (and of course you are very welcome to get more involved in our wider campaigning for a fossil free future if you would like to!).

How will the support be demonstrated?

Your logo will appear on our website. We may also use your organisation’s name in media coverage when talking about the broad support the case has, but we won’t speak on your behalf. We may contact you to ask for a quote from you.

Have any further questions about supporting as an organisation?

Please send us your question to action[@]

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